The same question appears on <Cracking> too (p86 4.1)
The key points to this problem is:
a. check whether the current tree is balanced
i.e., |height(left sub tree) - height(right sub tree)| <= 1
b. check whether the left sub tree and right sub tree of the current tree is balanced
It could be the case that even though the left, right height of the current tree differs no more
than one, the two trees are not balanced by themselves. e.g. the left sub tree could only
have left child and is an array...>__<
c. what is the height of the current tree ?
height of the current tree is the maximum height of left and right sub tree + 1
(even by wording, it is recursive in nature haha)
Something worth noticing:
a. since there are recursions in the process, it could lead to duplicates recursion.
notice that when you are calculating the height of the current tree, you actually already
calculate the height of its left and right sub trees. Use a DP :)
class TreeNode: def __init__(self, x): self.val = x self.left = None self.right = None class Solution: # @param root, a tree node # @return a boolean def __init__(self): self.dp = {} def height(self, root): if root is None: return 0 else: lh, rh = self.height(root.left), self.height(root.right) rh = max(lh, rh) + 1 self.dp[root.left], self.dp[root.right] =lh, rh return h def isBalanced(self, root): if root is None: return True else: # this checks 1.whether is current tree is balanced; 2. whether its two sub trees are balanced return abs(self.height(root.left)-self.height(root.right)) <= 1 and self.isBalanced(root.left) and self.isBalanced(root.right)
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